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【書摘】在少女們身旁—舒適地麻木 (Comfortably Numb) 4
2015/09/16 07:53:09瀏覽136|回應0|推薦9
【書摘】在少女們身旁舒適地麻木 (Comfortably Numb) 4
De sorte que, par une contradiction qui n’était qu’apparente, c’est au moment où j’éprouvais un plaisir exceptionnel, où je sentais que ma vie pouvait être heureuse, où elle aurait dû avoir à mes yeux plus de prix, c’est à ce moment que, délivré des soucis qu’elle avait pu m’inspirer jusque-là, je la livrais sans hésitation au hasard d’un accident.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

So that, by a contradiction which, however, was only apparent, it was at the very moment in which I was tasting an unfamiliar pleasure, feeling that my life might yet be happy, in which it should have become more precious in my sight; it was at this very moment that, delivered from the anxieties which my life had hitherto contrived to suggest to me, I unhesitatingly abandoned it to the chance of an accident.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

So, by the working of a contradiction that was one only in appearance, it was at the very moment when I experienced an exceptional pleasure, when I sensed that my life could be one of fulfillment, and should therefore have seen it as having increased in value, that I felt liberated from the anxieties it had hitherto inspired in me, and was prepared to commit it without hesitation to the unsure hands of chance.
(Translated by James Grieve)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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