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【書摘】在少女們身旁—舒適地麻木 (Comfortably Numb) 2
2015/09/12 07:51:19瀏覽199|回應1|推薦9
【書摘】在少女們身旁舒適地麻木 (Comfortably Numb) 2
C’est que, pas plus que ce n’est le désir de devenir célèbre, mais l’habitude d’être laborieux, qui nous permet de produire une oeuvre, ce n’est l’allégresse du moment présent, mais les sages réflexions du passé, qui nous aident à préserver le futur. Or, si déjà arrivant à Rivebelle, j’avais jeté loin de moi ces béquilles du raisonnement, du contrôle de soi-même qui aident notre infirmité à suivre le droit chemin, et me trouvais en proie à une sorte d’ataxie morale, l’alcool, en tendant exceptionnellement mes nerfs, avait donné aux minutes actuelles, une qualité, un charme, qui n’avaient pas eu pour effet de me rendre plus apte ni même plus résolu à les défendre...
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.417 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

For just as it is not the desire to become famous but the habit of being laborious that enables us to produce a finished work, so it is not the activity of the present moment but wise reflexions from the past that help us to safeguard the future. But if already, before this point, on my arrival at Rivebelle, I had flung irretrievably away from me those crutches of reason and self-control which help our infirmity to follow the right road, if I now found myself the victim of a sort of moral ataxy, the alcohol that I had drunk, by unduly straining my nerves, gave to the minutes as they came a quality, a charm which did not have the result of leaving me more ready, or indeed more resolute to inhibit them, prevent their coming…
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Just as it is not the wish to be famous, but a habit of hard work, that may make a creative artist of us, so it is not the joy we take in the present, but sober reflection on the past, that may enable us to safeguard the future. In my own case, not only had 1 begun the evening at Rivebelle by throwing away my crutches of rationality and self-discipline, which help us in our infirmity to walk a straight path, and had been afflicted thereby by a sort of moral ataxia, but then the alcohol, with its heightened effect on the nerves, had filled the present minutes with a quality and a charm whose effect had not been to make me more able, or even more willing, to defend myself against them…
(Translated by James Grieve)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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2015/09/13 10:54
"Comfortably Numb"? 妙!

le14nov(le14nov) 於 2015-09-13 12:01 回覆:

我把這一大段書摘拆成 6 個小段,重點是關於 Proust 所描述生命的一種奇妙的時刻,何以在那個時刻人們可以"毫不猶豫地將生命交給發生意外事故的偶然"?

整理書摘時,在心底恰巧想起的是 Pink Floyd 的一首歌名,只不過和歌詞談不上有任何關聯性,至於這書摘的箇中滋味,就必須留待大家各自品嚐了...