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【書摘】在少女們身旁—舒適地麻木 (Comfortably Numb) 1
2015/09/10 17:11:23瀏覽188|回應0|推薦12
【書摘】在少女們身旁舒適地麻木 (Comfortably Numb) 1
Si par hasard, pour finir la soirée avec telle bande d’amis à lui que nous avions rencontrée, Saint-Loup décidait de nous rendre au Casino d’une plage voisine, et, partant avec eux, s’il me mettait seul dans une voiture, je recommandais au cocher d’aller à toute vitesse, afin que fussent moins longs les instants que je passerais sans avoir l’aide de personne pour me dispenser de fournir moi-même à ma sensibilité – en faisant machine en arrière et en sortant de la passivité où j’étais pris comme dans un engrenage – ces modifications que depuis mon arrivée à Rivebelle je recevais des autres. Le choc possible avec une voiture venant en sens inverse dans ces sentiers où il n’y avait de place que pour une seule et où il faisait nuit noire, l’instabilité du sol souvent éboulé de la falaise, la proximité de son versant à pic sur la mer, rien de tout cela ne trouvait en moi le petit effort qui eût été nécessaire pour amener la représentation et la crainte du danger jusqu’à ma raison.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.416~417 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

If it so happened that, to finish the evening with a party of his friends whom we had met, Saint-Loup decided to go on to the Casino of a neighbouring village, and, taking them with him, put me in a carriage by myself, I would urge the driver to go as fast as he possibly could, so that the minutes might pass less slowly which I must spend without having anyone at hand to dispense me from the obligation myself to provide my sensibility—reversing the engine, so to speak, and emerging from the passivity in which I was caught and held as in the teeth of a machine—with those modifications which, since my arrival at Rivebelle, I had been receiving from other people. The risk of collision with a carriage coming the other way along those lanes where there was barely room for one and it was dark as pitch, the insecurity of the soil, crumbling in many places, at the cliff’s edge, the proximity of its vertical drop to the sea, none of these things exerted on me the slight stimulus that would have been required to bring the vision and the fear of danger within the scope of my reasoning.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

If, as sometimes happened, Saint-Loup decided to finish the night with a group of his friends whom we had met, and with whom he went on to the Casino of one of the neighboring seaside towns, he would put me into a carriage by myself: I told the cabman to set the horse at a gallop, so as to abridge as much as possible the interval during which I could rely on no one but myself to provide my sensitivity
by engaging its reverse gear, and switching off the mechanism of passivity in which I had been heldwith the stimuli which, ever since arriving at Rivebelle, I had been receiving from other people. Nothing, not even the possibility of colliding with a carriage coming in the other direction, along these paths that were pitch-dark and wide enough for only a single vehicle at a time, the uneven ground often littered with earthfalls from the cliff above, or the nearby precipice on the other side dropping straight to the sea, could bring me to make the small effort required for the idea of danger, and the fear of it, to rise to my reasoning mind.
(Translated by James Grieve)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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