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【書摘】在少女們身旁—巴爾貝克海灘 (Balbec-Plage) 8
2015/08/16 07:57:41瀏覽155|回應0|推薦8
【書摘】在少女們身旁巴爾貝克海灘 (Balbec-Plage) 8
Et parfois sur le ciel et la mer uniformément gris, un peu de rose s’ajoutait avec un raffinement exquis, cependant qu’un petit papillon qui s’était endormi au bas de la fenêtre semblait apposer avec ses ailes, au bas de cette « harmonie gris et rose » dans le goût de celles de Whistler, la signature favorite du maître de Chelsea. Le rose même disparaissait, il n’y avait plus rien à regarder. Je me mettais debout un instant et avant de m’étendre de nouveau je fermais les grands rideaux. Au-dessus d’eux, je voyais de mon lit la raie de clarté qui y restait encore, s’assombrissant, s’amincissant progressivement, mais c’est sans m’attrister et sans lui donner de regret que je laissais ainsi mourir au haut des rideaux l’heure où d’habitude j’étais à table, car je savais que ce jour-ci était d’une autre sorte que les autres, plus long comme ceux du pôle que la nuit interrompt seulement quelques minutes ; je savais que de la chrysalide de ce crépuscule se préparait à sortir, par une radieuse métamorphose, la lumière éclatante du restaurant de Rivebelle.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

And sometimes to a sky and sea uniformly grey a rosy touch would be added with an exquisite delicacy, while a little butterfly that had gone to sleep at the foot of the window seemed to be attaching with its wings at the corner of this ‘Harmony in Grey and Pink’ in the Whistler manner the favourite signature of the Chelsea master. The pink vanished; there was nothing now left to look at. I rose for a moment and before lying down again drew dose the inner curtains. Above them I could see from my bed the ray of light that still remained, growing steadily fainter and thinner, but it was without any feeling of sadness, without any regret for its passing that I thus allowed to die above the curtains the hour at which, as a rule, I was seated at table, for I knew that this day was of another kind than ordinary days, longer, like those arctic days which night interrupts for a few minutes only; I knew that from the chrysalis of the dusk was preparing to emerge, by a radiant metamorphosis, the dazzling light of the Rivebelle restaurant.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Sometimes, with exquisite delicacy, a touch of pink was added to the uniform gray of sea and sky; and at the very bottom of this Harmony in Grey and Pink after Whistler, a tiny moth asleep on the windowpane seemed to lend its wings to the favorite signature of the master from Chelsea. Then even the pink disappeared, and there was nothing else to look at. I got up to close the tall curtains, then lay down again. From my bed, I could see the fading line of daylight that lingered above the curtains, growing dimmer and fainter; but I had no qualms or regrets about letting the last daylight hour die behind the curtains at a time when I was usually in the dining room, for I knew this day was of a different kind from the rest, lasting longer, like those polar days that turn into a night of a few minutes’ duration; I knew that a brilliant metamorphosis was at work within the chrysalis of his twilight, and that from it there would soon emerge the dazzling illuminations of the restaurant at Rivebelle.
(Translated by James Grieve)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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