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直接的愛,包涵著具有美麗幻想形式的永恆性;不過,它卻不是有意要奠基在永恆 () 上。因此,它就會被「改變」。即使不改變,但由於憑賴著好運氣,它就一直會保有變化的可能性。不過,如果運氣會改變,則幸福也同樣會改變——這個幸福,是在我們一想到永恆,若欠缺哀愁,便無法被考慮到的東西——;那麽,它就像帶有一股令人打顫的諺語:「幸福在它已『形成』時,它就『存在』了」。
Therefore this spontaneous love has, in the sense of the beautiful imagination, the eternal in itself, but it is not consciously grounded upon the eternal and thus it can be changed. Even if it was not changed, it still can be changed, because it is indeed good fortune, but what is true of happiness is true of good fortune, which, when one thinks of the eternal, cannot be thought of without sadness, just as "Happiness is when it has been" is said with a shudder. That is to say, as long as it lasted or existed a change was possible; not until it is past can we say that it lasted.

起初讀過《祈克果語錄》,Kierkegaard 的思想片段讓人意猶未盡,而在《愛的流行》一書,我們將讀到完整版本,


用心閱讀 Kierkegaard,我們應該發現他絕非僅限於一位基督徒,又或者我們應該相信身為基督徒的 Kierkegaard一定是絕無僅有。

Works of Love (Danish: Kjerlighedens Gjerninger) is a work by Søren Kierkegaard written in 1847. It is one of the works which he published under his own name, as opposed to his more famous "pseudonymous" works. Works of Love deals primarily with the Christian conception of agape love in contrast with erotic love (eros) or preferential love (phileo) given to friends and family. Kierkegaard uses this value/virtue to understand the existence and relationship of the individual Christian. Having helped found Existentialism, he uses it and a high-level of theology citing the scriptures of the Christian Bible. Many of the chapters take a mention of love from the New Testament and center reflections about the transfer of individuals from secular modes (the stages of the aesthetic and ethical) to genuine religious experience and existence. Since human experience is a key to understanding Kierkegaard, the actual relationships and experiences of disciples and of Christ are characterized here as tangible models for behavior.
Kierkegaard as a Christian ethicist (represented by this work) is likely to be considered distinct from many ways in which the religions mainstream seems to function from the viewpoint of an outside observer. This is not only a function of Christian existentialism but also of his time period and political events occurring in his native Denmark.

Kjerlighedens Gjerninger
原文作者:Søren Aabye Kierkegaard


齊克果 Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, 1813-1855

(The Work of Love in Recollecting One Who Is Dead)

If in one way or another a person is afraid of being unable to maintain an overview of something that is multifarious and pro- lix, he tries to make or acquire a brief summary of the whole for the sake of a full view. For example, death is the briefest summary of life, or life traced back to its briefest form. This is also why it has always been very important to those who truly think about human life to test again and again, with the help of the brief summary, what they have understood about life. No thinker grasps life as death does, this masterful thinker who is able not only to think through every illusion but is able to think it to pieces, think it to nothing.)
(In life it certainly does happen sometimes that a family who has lived in prosperity and abundance must limit itself, but in death all families have had to limit themselves. There may be a slight difference-perhaps a foot in the size of the plot, or one family may have a tree that another lodger does not have on his plot. Why do you think there is this difference? By its smallness it is a profoundly teasing reminder to you of how great the difference was. That is how loving death is!)
Thus in death life returns to childlike simplicity. In childhood the big difference was also that one person had a tree, a flower, a stone. And this difference was an intimation of what would manifest itself in life on a completely different scale. Now life is over, and among the dead this little intimation of the difference remains as a recollection, mitigated in a jest, of how it was.)

但是在與死去的人的關係裡,只存在著一個人,因為死去的人不在現實世界裡;沒有人能像死去的人那樣窈冥無跡,因為他本來就不存在,自然也不會有什麽違反常理的觀察。這時候某個人曝了光,他必須以本來面目呈現自己,因為那死去的人 (眞是個狡猾的傢伙) 完全抽離自己,對於活著的人沒有任何影響,既不干擾他,也不幫助他。死去的人不是現實的對象;他只是可以幫助我們觀察活著的人的機緣。
我們對死去的人當然也有責任。如果我們愛我們見到的所有人,那麽我們應該也愛我們過去見過的人,雖然死亡使我們再也無法看到他們。我們不應該哀慟哭泣,打擾死去的人。我們應該把他們當作沉睡者,我們不曾想過要叫醒他們,因為我們希望他們會自己醒來。《德訓篇》22:11:「哀悼亡者要有節,因為他已得到了安息。」我想沒有什麽能比這「有節制的哀悼」更能描述真正的追憶,這哀悼不會痛哭失聲,而且很快就會平息下來。我們不知道他會追憶多久,因為我們不知道這生死別離還要多久。追憶死者的人可以引用大衛的詩篇以自況:「我如果將你忘掉,願我的右手枯焦。我若不懷念你,不以耶路撒冷為喜樂,就寧願我的舌頭緊貼在我的上顎。」(《詩篇》137:5-6) 希望他能想起,這個任務不只是第一天說說而已,即使在為了安全和禮節而靜默吞聲的時候,也要以同樣的心境,忠於自己和死者。


(the work of love in recollecting one who is dead.
The work of love in recollecting one who is dead is a work of the most unselfish love.)

When one wants to make sure that love is completely unselfish, one can of course remove every possibility of repayment. But this is exactly what is removed in the relationship to one who is dead. If love still abides, then it is truly unselfish.)

(The work if love in recollecting one who is dead is a work if the freest love.
In order to test properly whether love is entirely free, one can of course remove everything that could in any way extort from one a work of love. But this is absent in the relationship to one who is dead. If love still continues, then this is the freest love.)


(The work if love in recollecting one who is dead is a work if the most faithful love.
In order to test properly whether a persons love is faithful, everything can of course be removed whereby the object could in any way help him to be faithful. But all this is absent in the relationship to one who is dead, who is no actual object. If love then continues, this love is the most faithful.)

逝去的人不會改變 (你別想把責任推到他身上),他永遠是忠實的。是的,他不是現實的存有者,因此他什麽也不能做,好守候著你:但是他是不變的。另一方面,如果一切都沒有改變,那活著的人也忠實不渝,忠實地以愛去追憶他,雖然他無法守候著你,甚至讓你覺得他已經忘了你,忘記你對他說過的話。沒有人能像死去的人那樣絕決地告訴你他已經遺忘了,忘記你對他說過的話,忘記你們的關係和愛。
The work of love in recollecting one who is dead is thus a work of the most unselfish, the freest, the most faithful love. Therefore go out and practice it; recollect the one who is dead and just in this way learn to love the living unselfishly, freely, faithfully. In the relationship to one who is dead, you have the criterion by which you can test yourself The one who uses this criterion will easily be able to shorten the extensiveness of the most prolix relationship, and he will learn to loathe the whole mass of excuses that actuality usually has promptly at hand to explain that it is the other one who is selfish, the other one who is to blame for his being forgotten because he does not call attention to himself, the other one who is faithless. Recollect the one who is dead; then in addition to the blessing that is inseparable from this work of love you will also have the best guidance for rightly understanding life: that it is our duty to love the people we do not see but also those we do see. The duty to love the people we see cannot cease because death separates them from us, because the duty is eternal; but accordingly neither can the duty to those who are dead separate the living from us in such a way that they do not become the objects of our love.

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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