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【書摘】在少女們身旁—偉大作品的領悟 (realization of a masterpiece) 7
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【書摘】在少女們身旁偉大作品的領悟 (realization of a masterpiece) 7
Songeons seulement aux choquants disparates que nous présenterait, si nous ne tenions pas compte du temps à venir et des changements qu’il amène, tel horoscope de notre propre âge mûr tiré devant nous durant notre adolescence. Seulement tous les horoscopes ne sont pas vrais, et être obligé pour une oeuvre d’art de faire entrer dans le total de sa beauté le facteur du temps mêle à notre jugement quelque chose d’aussi hasardeux et par là aussi dénué d’intérêt véritable, que toute prophétie dont la non-réalisation n’impliquera nullement la médiocrité d’esprit du prophète, car ce qui appelle à l’existence les possibles ou les en exclut n’est pas forcément de la compétence du génie ; on peut en avoir eu et ne pas avoir cru à l’avenir des chemins de fer, ni des avions, ou, tout en étant grand psychologue, à la fausseté d’une maîtresse ou d’un ami, dont de plus médiocres eussent prévu les trahisons.
(Éditions Gallimard, 1987)

試想一下,如果不考慮未來的時間及它所帶來的變化,那麼,我們在少年時代所親耳聽到的對我們成年時期的占卜會顯得多麼荒誕。占卜並不都準確,而既然在一部藝術作品的美的總數中必須加進時間因素,那麼,判斷就必然帶上某種風險,因此也像預言一樣失去真正的意義,因為,預言的不能實現並不意味著預卜家智力平庸,同樣,使可能性成為現實,或者將它排除在現實之外,這並非天才的必然天職。一個人可以有天才,但卻不相信鐵路或飛機的發展,或者說,一個人可以是大心理學家,卻不相信情婦或朋友的不忠 (而最平庸的人也會估計到他們的不忠)
(p.101 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

(p.108 追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

Let us try to imagine the shocking incoherence that we should find, if we did not take into account the future, and the changes that it must bring about, in a horoscope of our own riper years, drawn and presented to us in our youth. Only horoscopes are not always accurate, and the necessity, when judging a work of art, of including the temporal factor in the sum total of its beauty introduces, to our way of thinking, something as hazardous, and consequently as barren of interest, as every prophecy the non-fulfilment of which will not at all imply any inadequacy on the prophet’s part, for the power to summon possibilities into existence or to exclude them from it is not necessarily within the competence of genius; one may have had genius and yet not have believed in the future of railways or of flight, or, although a brilliant psychologist, in the infidelity of a mistress or of a friend whose treachery persons far less gifted would have foreseen.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Imagine a youth reading a horoscope forecasting his own middle age, with all the preposterous incongruities he would see in it, in his ignorance of the years to come and the changes they must bring about in him. However, not all horoscopes turn out to be true; and the obligation to take into account the factor of the future, when devising the sum of a work of art’s beauties, must affect our judgment with something as unpredictable, and therefore as devoid of real interest, as any other prophecy that is never fulfilled, an outcome which implies no intellectual mediocrity in the prophet, since whatever it is that gives or denies existence to the possible may not necessarily lie within the scope of the genius. It is possible that even a genius may have disbelieved that railways or airplanes had a future, as it is possible to be an acute psychologist yet disbelieve in the infidelity of a mistress or the deceit of a friend, whose betrayals can be foreseen by someone much less gifted.
(Translated by James Grieve)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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