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【書摘】在少女們身旁—與希爾貝特的愛情-1 (Fall in love with Gilberte-1) 1
2014/08/02 21:20:02瀏覽145|回應0|推薦5
【書摘】在少女們身旁與希爾貝特的愛情-1 (Fall in love with Gilberte-1) 1
Le soir tombait, je m’arrêtai devant une colonne de théâtre où était affichée la représentation que la Berma donnait pour le 1er janvier. Il soufflait un vent humide et doux. C’était un temps que je connaissais ; j’eus la sensation et le pressentiment que le jour de l’an n’était pas un jour différent des autres, qu’il n’était pas le premier d’un monde nouveau où j’aurais pu, avec une chance encore intacte, refaire la connaissance de Gilberte comme au temps de la Création, comme s’il n’existait pas encore de passé, comme si eussent été anéanties, avec les indices qu’on aurait pu en tirer pour l’avenir, les déceptions qu’elle m’avait parfois causées : un nouveau monde où rien ne subsistât de l’ancien... rien qu’une chose : mon désir que Gilberte m’aimât. 
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)
(p.58 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

追憶似水年華 II 在少女花影下 時報版 周克希譯 2011)

Night was falling; I stopped before a column of playbills, on which was posted that of the piece in which she was to appear on January 1. A moist and gentle breeze was blowing. It was a time of day and year that I knew; I suddenly felt a presentiment that New Year’s Day was not a day different from, the rest, that it was not the first day of a new world, in which, I might, by a chance that had never yet occurred, that was still intact, make Gilberte’s acquaintance afresh, as at the Creation of the World, as though the past had no longer any existence, as though there had been obliterated, with the indications which I might have preserved for my future guidance, the disappointments which she had sometimes brought me; a new world in which nothing should subsist from the old—save one thing, my desire that Gilberte should love me.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

In the gathering dusk, I stood beside a Morris column with its posters announcing La Berma’s New Year’s Day performance. There was a mild, damp wind blowing. It was weather I was quite familiar with; and a sudden feeling and presentiment ran through me: that New Year’s Day was not a day that differed from any other, not the first day of a new life, when I could remake the acquaintance of Gilberte with the die still uncast, as though on the very first day of Creation, when no past yet existed, as though the sorrows she had sometimes caused me bad been wiped out, and with them all the future ones they might portend, as though I lived in a new world in which nothing remained of the old except one thing, my wish that Gilberte would love me.
(Translated by James Grieve)
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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