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"發達國家資本, 節制私人資本"
2017/03/20 16:20:46瀏覽249|回應0|推薦4

China's Mainland under CCP is doing exactly what Dr. Sun Yat-sen taught them to do.  In addition to national capital, China needs more from private sectors which in turn makes more money out of their input.  But the bottomline is the merchants owning the capital would never set foot in politics, lest China should recommit the same error that European countries and America have been doing. 

Attached below is a perspicacious but somewhat a dull article "江宇:“资本不干政”是中国的制度优势 " at http://www.guancha.cn/jiangyu/2017_03_20_399552_2.shtml


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