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2017/02/04 10:19:51瀏覽165|回應0|推薦4

A prominent decathlon athlete must master of all ten items pertaining to those onerous field and track.  Every item must be decathletes' forte; otherwise, a shortage on any items would deter them from being a topnotch one.  For example, Rafer Johnson, who was weak in the last item 1500 meter running, won with razor-thin victory over C. K. Yang at 1960 Rome Olympic with his hell-bent struggles to cut down the gap with Yang in that last item.  (FYI, black Rafer Johnson and later white Bruce Jenner, the winner at 1976 Montrel, are all American national heros.  Interesting thing is, after having had six children, that sturdy Jenner became a transgender woman not long ago.). 

In Chinese, people usually commend someone "十項全能" for his or her being versatile or capable of doing many jobs well.  But it is hard to find a country in the whole wide world that is qualified for said phrase in a wide variety of industrial capabilities, except China.  Attached below is a comprehensive report on China's power on all major items of high-end industrial productions, all on top of the rankings.  (Don't forget China is also capable of produce all kinds of middle-end and low-end commodities, if she is willing to do so.)  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4ee8cf410102xmt7.html

P.S.  The next goal China has to achieve is to build up well-known brand names of her own!

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