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驕其妻妾, 自取其辱而不羞.
2017/02/02 07:47:03瀏覽214|回應0|推薦2

Someone lined me a photo that shows the so-called envoy team led by former "premier" You standing on the ground in front of White House, wearing a suit of plastic raincoat, as "honorable guests" to the inauguration ceremony of US President Trump.  It is said the photo was shot by CNN with a high-definition camera, as high as billions of pixels.  The figure of You and his team member were finally gleaned out of a great number of crowds.  So DPP's hypocrisy and mendacity, i.e. a diplomatic victory for Taiwan, were fully debunked!  (Some report said the only guest from Taiwan by Department of States had been Mr. Guo Taimin, but Mr. Guo declined.)

FYI, You is always a stupid politician with imbecile remarks.  When he was the premier, he planned to demand all civic servants writing their reports in English.  This time in DC, he asked a US think tank member that will America forsake Taiwan in the future.  Oh my goodness.

P.S. Sorry I just don't know how to migrate the photo here for you guys.  Please search to find it by yourselves if you're interested in.   

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