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"2016年各省GDP排名:江蘇苦追廣東七年差距拉大 台灣仍居第六"
2017/01/28 14:41:42瀏覽468|回應2|推薦8

According to the official statistics on GDP from both sides of the strait, Taiwan's is at the sixth place among all provinces of China in 2016, which is less than half as much as that of the first one Guangdong and second Jiangsu.  There are four provinces closely trailing Taiwan, and so I assume not before long Taiwan will be out of top ten for sure.  Please refer to the report at http://www.guancha.cn/economy/2017_01_27_391590.shtml.

You may say now Taiwan's per capita GDP is still higher than those provinces ahead of it on the list, e.g Province of Henan with over one hundred million in population.  You are right, but when comparing with those mega cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzun, I guess Taiwan doesn't have any superiority any more.  

You may also say Taiwan is Taiwan, having nothing to do with what are the performances of the various provinces of China's Mainland.  You may be right again.  But the widening gap between China's Mainland and Taiwan signifies the remarkable change that has tilted the balance in much greater favor of Mainland, and the situation will definitely deteriorate Taiwan's bargaining power should there is still a peaceful talk (solution) between the strait.  DPP and Cai's administration, there is no other choice left for you but clinging  to the gigantic wings of China Dragan and flying upward again, otherwise you will be doomed as an outcast in this world. 

May you have a prosperous new year of Rooster, Taiwan.       

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2017/01/30 22:35




Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-02-01 12:28 回覆:
Much obliged for the information. The contents are voluminous, but I'll try to read it.

2017/01/28 21:13
The DPP goverment  is very weak in economy and strong in domestic fighting.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-01-29 10:03 回覆:
Yeah, the only forte of theirs is dirty election.