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2017/01/25 14:11:30瀏覽210|回應0|推薦4

All social and economic ills have their root cause.  In early days, all problems of Taiwan boiled down to a overpopulated but tiny island, for any economical development would be inevitably eroded by the unchecked birth rate.  (President Chiang Kai-shek needed as more human resources as possible to support his Mainland recovery plan, but Dr. Chiang Mengliang firmly objected Chiang's stupid idea and thus saved Taiwan.)  Nowadays the birth rate is checked, but the new kind of guilt comes out: Taidu.  

Pension Reform(on the retirements and the premiums of those servicemen, public servants, teachers, and general workers) is simply a process to expand and redistribute national budget, both on revenue and on expenditure, basically having nothing to do with the so-call "transformation justice".  You know, Taiwan is an island, and its mainstay hinges upon foreign trade and investment, either to or from outside, especially to/from China's Mainland.  But under the silly notion of Taidu, the crazy "social movement" of those tree huggers as well, our economic prop will tumble down, eventually. 

Expenditure wise, in order to "strenously confront" the pressure from Mainland's calling for unification, Taiwan has beem "left no choice but" buying many junk weapons, mostly second-handed, from the US. for an enormous sum of money.  However, the out-of-date weapons will only give some placebo effect to the islanders because those the junks are absolutely no match with PLA's and the US. will merely sit by and watch when Taiwan has to use those "weapons".  So why squander like playing drake and duck?  Those useless military budget can just shift to cover the shortage of those pensions which are on the verge of bankruptcy; pathetically, DPP think it otherwise.  (DPP may know it quite well that independence is an impossible dream, but they may continue using it to cheat islanders out of their votes.) Therefore no pension reform plan is feasible in Taiwan unless DPP government forsaked its Taidu policy.  

To put it in a nutshell, Taiwan will soon be broke.   No pension reform plan will be sustainable unless Taiwan seek to find a sustainable relationship with Mainland, which is stricly based on One-China principle, period.

P.S.  Please also refer to an editorial from Central Daily's internet edtion:

“正义”这两个字具有天生的魅力,因此政治人物喜欢将其挂在嘴边,任何事都给找个正义的理由,好像只要有了这两个字就可以一路畅行无阻!年金改革,从马英九时代开始,就给它冠上了正义的理由,包括世代正义、行业正义等等。蔡英文推动年金改革,也同样拿正义当理由。其实,他们都忘了,正义除了魅力的一面之外,也有风险的一面,因为正义不是绝对的。俗语说得好,“你说你公道,我说我公道,到底谁公道,只有天知道。” 年金改革,其实无关正义,而是行政当局无能的借口。劳工与公务人员在过去不同制度的安排下,彼此根本无法比较,如果要调整,其理由不应该是正义,更何况正义只会造成对立而已。行政当局长期以来不论是劳保或军公教退抚基金,其应该负担的部分都拨补不足,才造成今日的问题,而行政当局一来没有办法创造财源,二来又不当分配资源,最后才会以正义为名来遮掩自己的责任与无能。 我们从目前的改革方案可以看出,其基本的目的就是想要减少台当局的财务责任而已,但这种单纯财务面的改革方案,必将留下无穷的后患。第一患是造成社会的对立与仇恨,尤其军公教人员的尊严已被虚伪的正义踏在脚下。第二患是均贫的结果,所谓的铁饭碗已经生绣,优秀的人才岂肯进入公部门服务。可以想见,台当局的施政将陷入无能的恶性循环之中。第三患是台湾地区的竞争力将日益衰落。

有钱人的想法和穷人的想法不同,而穷人之所以穷,正是因为自己的想法所致。这个观点或许值得民进党当局思考一下。来源:中央日报网络报 www.cdnews.com.tw (www.cdnews.biz)

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