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2016/11/26 03:05:04瀏覽304|回應2|推薦8

Well, it takes time to know a person, as the saying goes.  Eight years ago, I voted for Ma, hoping he could bring Taiwan to the right track, at least keep Taiwan from going astray, because I always believed the axiom "風行草偃"  But he failed me.  Four years ago, I opted to abstain in the election. 

Ma may not be a Taidu, but he is definitely a Dutai advocate.  History will again attest that the fate of Dutai has long been predestined, just as any "偏安" regime has before. 

"陸學者:馬英九執政八年對兩岸政治關係傷害很大" at http://www.toutiao.com/a6356737861375344898/

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2016/11/27 05:57

馬英九在任時,我尊重他,但是看得出來他不是大智之人。他是個需要 box 的人。box 內的工作他會盡責執行,但是沒有高明的手腕。

卸任後,他走出 box ,他就迷失了。




Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-11-27 09:26 回覆:
Ma is not a person of great intelligence and courage, lacking statecraft and political skills. Even he is such a capable man as Zhuge Liang, still he is not able to save a "偏安" regime from being consolidated with Mainland. Therefore, the only way that can make him a historical figure is hell-bent on seeking unification and not to turn back, no matter what. Mr. Li Ao is right: Ma is not the one. Again, it takes great intelligence and courage for a man to fulfil a task like that.

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2016/11/26 16:15

I am not sure about the comments.

But it was true that he tried to please Taidu all the time, however he did not win taidu' votes. Furthermore, he did not win the support from his own party.

He was in a mess.

However he is like those who are clinging to the power, he is indulged. He was threaten to be sent to the jail, was prohibited out of Taiwan then Hong is the leader. It seemed that Ma was among those acted along allowing Cai to 搜刮黨產。


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-11-27 05:02 回覆:
Interesting remarks! Thanks for your comments.