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Poacher turned gamekeeper
2016/11/18 07:07:30瀏覽262|回應0|推薦6

Subject idiom refers to a person who used to oppose people in authority but is now in a position of authority.  Am I referring it to Donald Trump?  No, it is Cai whom I am talking about. 

Since her party took the office, Cai has made many a dramatic turnabout in the policies that she and DPP used to oppose vehemently: from the attitude of encouraging people run to streets often to protest for any reasons, to dissuading them from doing so unless extremely necessary; from persisting in  anti-nuclear stance to permitting Japanese nuke radiation-contaminated food into Taiwan, you just name it.  So there is a new parlance coined to describe such a phenomenon, "髮夾彎".  Ha!

Consistency in policies and plans necessitate a sustainable development of an ever-stronger nation, like China.  Needless to say, it takes the capability of self-assessment as to prevent from aberration and corruption and to makes quick reaction to rectify faults if any.  At any rate, China's system is much better than that of Taiwanese-styled democracy, and no wonder Taiwan can't be a "nation". 


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