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Why should they stand up when 義勇軍進行曲 was playing?
2016/11/17 07:09:42瀏覽268|回應0|推薦5

Scores of retired generals and some celebrities were invited to Beijing for the commemoration of 150th birthday of Dr Sun Yat-shen.  Certainly playing China's national anthem "義勇軍進行曲" was an indispensable part of the ceremony, and everybody should stand up during the occasion, that's for sure.  But DPP and many of its "legislators" subsequently accused those generals of "incorrect national identity" and being unqualified to receive their retirement pension.  What truth DPP didn't tell was if its administration would hold the same ceremony in memory of Dr Sun in the first place, those retired general most likely might not accept the invitation from Mainland. 

In fact "義勇軍進行曲" is a marching song published prior to the outbreak of nationwide Resistence Against Japan.  During the war, the song became one of the patriotic songs popularly sung by Chinese people; I believe, even Chiang Kai-shek must have sung it in public, too.  I also believe numerous Chinese youths had taken their arms and fought emenies to death for the sake of the song.  Being Chinese veterans, why shouldn't those retired generals stand up when the song was playing?

The more embarrassed situation for DPP will have occurred when Universiade is held in Taipei, 2017.  By the time Heaven knows how many gold medals China's Mainland will acquire, and how many times audience must stand up when "義勇軍進行曲" is playing amid hoisting China's national flag.  (Let me tell you guys, don't even think of just sitting there unmoved or even booing, for if you dare do so Taiwan will definitely have no chance to hold the similar "international" events again.)       


P.S.  Attached below is the lyrics of the song which is written by 田漢, and music composed by 聶耳.


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