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2016/11/09 14:14:49瀏覽393|回應1|推薦8

The only thing that the narrow-minded islanders could do to infuriate China's Mainland now is trying to behave as if they are Japaneses, other than Chineses, so as to make their "enemies" feel sick.  The disgusting things range from calling Mainlanders "Chinks" as Japs used to do (they dare not now), to extolling the virtue of Japan's occupation in Taiwan.  Now this kind of "psychological triumph" has reached to its climax.

Report said the other day Cai and her administration paid tribute to the dead Japanese soldiers who came from Taiwan during World War II.  Obviously, if Japan coerced and drafted those soldiers to fight, we should be sorry for the dead; but if they identified themselves as Japanese royal subjects then and fought for Japan out of their own will, that would have been at most a personal tragedy to them.  At any rate, "Republic of China" should not memorize the "contribution" of those Jap soldiers.

I guess China's Mainland won't officially criticize such an absurd move, she may feel a little 噁心.  But she will definitely note it down in her record, waiting for the day of liquidation to come.  You know, CCP government won't wear her heart on her sleeve; however, vast netizen online surely will.

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2016/11/09 20:26



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-11-10 13:42 回覆:
You are right! "習近平只是強調“堅持一個中國”的共識,足矣。這就是緊箍咒。"
Enough said.