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Pseudo-religion makes its believers believe.
2016/10/01 12:31:23瀏覽290|回應1|推薦5

The notion of Taidu has become an ideology that is a general mindset possessed by about 40% eligible voters in Taiwan, and ingrained deep down in younger generation.

Those diehard believers have become the basic, traditional DPP's constituency.  No matter what kind of absurd things DPP did, and no matter how badly DPP acquitted itself in governance, still the party could gain that 40% "iron" votes in almost every election.  Ridiculous?  Yes, it is, sad but true.

Have you ever seen any devout believers who dare defy God or Allah?  Never, not even superstitious believers to their shaman, voodoo, or Falungong.  Dear Mainlanders, your are dealing with a much bigger Falungong now, and you have to take more tactical but decisive approaches to grapple with this intractable enemy, but you are bound to win, eventually.

P.S. I just learned from online news that Cai delivered a written speech to DPP on its 30th founding anniversary.  What did she say?  She called for strenously confronting "China" and seeking new ways out of the deeper and deeper mire. ( You know the overtone in there.)  How could she be so rash to say that?   I guess she was trying to consolidate that 40% "comrades" and thus formed a strong "public opinion" in order to show her "muscles".      

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2016/10/02 06:31




Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-10-02 16:29 回覆:
She is a paranoid Taidu addict.