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An arrogant woman
2016/08/29 01:18:30瀏覽387|回應1|推薦4

Yesterday my wife and I drove to a plaza that is comprised mainly of Chinese supermarket, restaurants, shops.  We parked in front a Chinese medicine shop, and my wife went in alone to buy something.  So I stayed in the car, turning off the engine, lowering down the window by my side.  Suddenly a richly bejewelled middle-aged woman appeared by the car window.

"你是不是要..." she uttered an incomplete sentence in Mandarin, then quickly switched to an otherwise complete one in English: "Watch out, dont scratch my car, will ya?", she pointed to the luxurious black SUV just by my side.  Before I could react to her words, she swaggered away on her high-heeled shoes.  (You know, I am pushing for 70, and Ive got some hearing problem.)

No one could assume anyone would scratch his car unless he saw that happened on the spot.  At least that woman should pay some respect to a thinly-grey-haired old man like me or give me a friendly warning instead.  What kind of the education had brought up a woman with hauteur like that?

When I reversed my car and left, I noticed that her car is a Porsche.  So what?    


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
Just a bad day
2016/08/29 04:23
 There are many kinds of people around, just shrug it off.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-08-29 11:16 回覆:
You are right; anything goes these days.