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2018/07/06 16:33:23瀏覽842|回應0|推薦4

I really abhor the usuage of subject appellations for men and women to call their spouses, either between husbands and wives or addressing them as third persons.  I have never used them before, neither have my wife.  I just hate it simply because I think the names sound uncomfortable to me, but I could not have given it a better explanation why they are inappropriate names until this morning.   

A friend of mine sent me a video via LINE today: "別再稱丈夫叫老公" at http:/youtu.be/LinMTG306qo, in which a graceful, middle-aged lady exhorted her audience not to call their husbands as "laogong" any longer.  She pointed out that the appellation originated in earlier days of imperialist China when there still had eunuchs in palace.  She said, despite having been castrated, those poor "men" still had sexual arousal.  So they might repair to brothels, trying to satisfy their desire there.  You know, those eunuchs used to be called "gonggong", and so, with banters or with sarcasm, prostitutes began to call those patrons "laogong.  I am not quite sure the veracity of its provenance, but I guess the explanation from that lady speaker would make sense. 

Dear fair ladies, are you going to call you husbands "laogong" again?

P.S.  I can not migrate the video here, so please search and watch the speech by yourselves on youtube if you are interested in.  Thanks.           

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