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Pandas are given a royal welcome in the Kingdom of Netherlands
2017/06/07 13:38:05瀏覽398|回應0|推薦2
Attached below is a very interesting report, and photos, about how hard the spadework that Dutch people had done before they finally got the lease of two pandas from China, as well as the national jubilation for welcoming these two king-like guests.   


[为了把中国这俩熊猫皇帝请来...荷兰人,真是使出了洪荒之力... :

Many, many years ago I had seen a TV interview with the president of WWF, Prince Philip(Queen Elizabaths husband) that how could he do to preserve the endangered panda.  Embarrassed, Prince Philip replied to the question with "I wish I know".  Dont bother, Your Highness, China has done the job pretty well now. 
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