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2016/06/20 11:49:12瀏覽141|回應1|推薦5

I would like to recommend a perspicacious article to all of you.  It could help clarify some long, conventional fallacies about Korean War(Resistence War Against America to Save Korea) and the straitened circumstances of China's Mainland prior to Open and Reform.  Must see!  Must read! It is a must! 

Kindly refer to the link that Mr. reaizuguo* provided below. 


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2016/06/20 15:01

This is what shows by clicking the link provided,

I am providing one which will yield the article.  The article is excellent and, like you indicated, is a must.

  梁孝:抗美援朝、“156项工程”和新中国工业奠基- 察古知今- 察网   

By the way, I red a similar (maybe the same) article previously.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-06-20 15:53 回覆:
Thank you very much for your help, pal. I didn't notice the error because when I first posted it, it worked.

A great nation has to rely on its own efforts, and Mso's China did it.