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For Crying Out Loud
2016/05/06 12:04:59瀏覽212|回應1|推薦6

Yesterday I learned an interesting piece of news on TV.  You know, when you travel by air, especially in the cramped coach cabins, squalling babies around  would be a big nuisance to you, making you on your nerves and giving you fidgets.  But small kids cant talk about whats wrong with them(maybe different air pressure makes them feel uncomfortable), so carrying noisy, restive babies is not their parents fault, then airliner is the only one to blame, for it (has to) sell tickets to child and infant.

Now an airliner, JetBlue, has "invented" a compensation for all of its customers who are annoyed with such an unpleasant situation: 25% discount refunded for the fare paid if there is one crying baby onboard, so if there are four crying babies en route, the customers will get full fares refunded.

Subsequently, the video displayed a scene that all of the passengers in a sold-out cabin started to applaud when they heard of the announcement that theyve got the refunds.  Then a slogan showed up to end the report: "Smile at babies, for crying out loud!"

P.S.  Well, "Smile at babies, for crying out loud." is a witty pun.  FYI, "for crying out loud" is an idiom people say it to express their angry or surprise. 

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An Interesting Pun
2016/05/06 13:44
I just found out that I have run out of the daily 100-推薦 quota.  I don't have to cry out loud for this as I will get another 100 tomorrow.  LOL
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-05-06 14:49 回覆:
Gee, you are really a blog browser, making so much recommendation. Thanks anyway!!!