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A couple of tramps and their pets
2016/09/30 03:00:33瀏覽362|回應3|推薦8

Located at 15 minutes walking distance from my place there is a plaza, next to it is a park comprises a stretch of vast lawn, a library, a children play ground, and a primary school.  At least three times a week in the evenings my wife and I would go to the park via the plaza, walking a circle or two around the park then return to our home.

When we were returning, sometimes we would shop at the supermarket, SAFEWAY, in the plaza.  Recently I found there was always a couple of tramps, shabby and scruffy, sitting motionless beside the entrance of the supermarket and carrying three pets with them: two dogs and a cat.  Through his long hairs, I can see the man having a handsome, but a little drawn face, at most in his early 40s; and his pal, I guess a woman, with much too long and unkempt hairs that her face could scarcely be seen, just like a scary ghost in fairy tale stories.  They didnt go hat in hand to passers-by, even their pets were so quiet that they just nestled against their masters. 

All quiet: the tramps themselves, shoppers passing by, the supermarket, or even police car on patrol.       

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2016/09/30 12:50

我猜,只要有人寧願睡在路邊,就被定義為 homeless。

所以 homeless 不是一個人的永久標籤,而是當時的狀況。是不是?

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-10-01 12:23 回覆:
I guess so.  Maybe they are the persons as being moderate sociopaths in kind. 

無家可歸者,但是你怎知他沒家? 😄
2016/09/30 12:27
在美國,也叫做 homeless.   🐯
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-10-01 12:15 回覆:
Literally, the homeless denote the people without a home; obviously, the term doesn't necessarily connote that they don't have a "home" at all.  That's why I use "tramp" (or I can use "hobo") to describe the couple, instead of "homeless".   

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2016/09/30 08:32
在墨爾本,他們的名字叫做 homeless。其實我搞不太清楚 homeless 跟乞丐的區別。也許,有容器等著路人投錢的算乞丐。如果有表演,就是 busker。
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-09-30 12:22 回覆:
Yes, the homeless, that's what Americans call those miserable persons.  I used to see many a homeless in subway stations or on streets in New York; strange, they usually had a dog as their company.  But unlike beggars in other countries, nor buskers in America, I seldom saw those homeless begging for money.