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The World Geological Park: Mt. Yuntai(雲台山景區)
2015/11/21 22:04:14瀏覽169|回應0|推薦4

Unlike "天坑" in Chongqing area which is a Karst terrain typically formed thru everlasting erosion, (Please see my previously writing  at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/12116526)., here in Yuntai National Park, gulches are naturally engraved through thousands of years into so many different shapes.  Generally speaking, the park demonstrates itself vastness from outside and tranquility from inside, and we can find a variety of tiny streams, small waterfalls, cataracts, little stone bridges, pools all naturally formed en route the trails of Red Rock Gulch in 1.5 Km.  So people may call it a potted gulch(maybe a bonsai gulch, but I hate that Jap word) incised by marvellous nature sculptors.  It took strenuous walks to fininsh that undulationg 1.5Km; it might be easier if there weren't too many tourist packed in the cramped trails and, unfortunate enough, many of them were stupid and selfish shutterbugs.   

In the afternoon, we went to visit the so-called "mini Jiuzhaigou", a similar gulch walk with a little shorter than that of Red Rock, so we walked nearly three-km sinuous mountain trails in total within a day.  I guess it had been a tough day for the group of average 65-years-old like us.  After taking a shower when we checked into the hotel we stayed at that night, ere long my roommate, a guy who is l0 years than I am, was snoring louder than the sound from TV that we were watching, and I know I 've got to have a good-night sleep by myself, too.        


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