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Lost and Found
2015/04/08 00:05:25瀏覽147|回應2|推薦4

Early this morning my wife yelled out in a panicky tone,"Where is my purse; did you see it?".  Of course I didnt.  Then we scouted around the house, all over every corner, but to no avail.  She said there are credit cards, some non-ID photo credentials, and a little cash in the purse.  I urged her call the bank at once to see if any unknown transactions were credited.  The answer was no. 

Suddenly, I recalled the scene when we finished checking at an American supermarket yesterday afternoon, she was busy tallying the goods we bought with the items on the bill, wondering why the amount charged seemed higher than she thought.(Well, Ive never, ever done such a thing in my life.)  Probably she was so obsessed with counting the total amount that she tuned out a while and left the purse on the counter or dropped it somewhere on the ground unawares.  In no time, we drove to the supermarket and hastened to its service counter.  We told the counter girl that we might drop a purse here yesterday and wondered anyone would have turned it in.  Politely, the girl say yes and then turned around to a pigeon-hole to take out a purse with an easy-post slip on it.  Alas, it is my wifes!  The girl took the slip off and handed the purse to my wife, with a similing face to our thanks.  I guessed there were some notes written on the slip that the owner of the purse is an Asian woman, so the girl gave it to us without further asking any questions.  A civilized society with the human relationship of mutual trust?  To some extent, it is.

People of our age should concentrate on doing things one by one, step by step, and in no hurry.  Just dont try to juggle two things at same time!


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
Lost and found
2015/04/08 07:45

「Something is missing.....」sounds so familiar in my family, of course always claimed by a woman。生氣


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-04-09 05:14 回覆:
The most frequently "missing" item is glasses. Now when I am at home, I use a lanyard to hang on to either side of the glasses' frame. I hope someday when I am older, I won't yell out, "Where are my glasses?" as they are hanging on my chest.

Lost and Found
2015/04/08 07:32

I believe that almost all the merchants nowadays have a policy of checking a photo ID before giving the lost back the owner.  It is a standard procedure and has nothing to do with the mutual trust. 

With identity theft having become a major and serious problem, I agree with the standard procedure.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-04-09 04:55 回覆:
The counter girl didn't check my wife's ID before she handed the purse over.
That was why I quessed the store must have checked the content in the purse beforehand and found out the owner of is an Asian woman, and then posted a note onto the purse.