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"Super China"
2015/02/15 02:22:08瀏覽656|回應3|推薦6

Subject is a series of 7 documentaries produced by KBS, a South Korea's national TV station.  The series throughly depicts China as a super power from different aspects: vast population, economic powerhouse, military prowess, cultural heritages, and so on.  I've watched only one episode about China's military, on which I think it's a pretty fair TV production to me, unlike some Mainland's viewers said such praises on China from Korea seem a much-hyped panegyric, or even being kind of obsequiousness.  Sorry guys, I don't know how to put a link here to make it esaily accessible to you.  But you can watch the series on "中華網" at www.china.com .

People may wonder why South Korea, a nation of abnomal pride, would produce a program like this.  Isn't America, the potential adversary to China, still the boss to S. Korea?  My guess is S. Korea is trying to gradually inculcate into its people that in case someday it has to seek another boss like China, it won't be a humiliating thing for them to do. 

I would like to suggest Ma administration let the seies televise in Taiwan.  People probably won't object to it, because there are lot of philo-Korean on the island. 

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reaizuguo*😻 哪吒
Super China(超級中國)
2015/02/17 00:25

Thank you for the information.

In stead of 中華網(no Chinese subtitles), I have posted a YouTube version with Chinese subtitles in my blog.

You are invited to Super China(超級中國)KBS製作 ~哈韓族,看過來.   微笑 

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-02-17 02:08 回覆:
I've got it. Yor are a genius, thanks!!

2015/02/15 23:51
阿里巴就是有隻超大老虎的孫子是幕後大股東  即將成為中南海風暴  這就是國際知名公司不介入IPO
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-02-17 02:09 回覆:
Really? Let's wait and see, thanks.

2015/02/15 09:52

台獨不是萬年總統LI弄的  是世界老大弄的  萬年總統將它當歛權和利工具


中國千萬不要陶醉在強國中,有多少地方仍須加強?航母不多,外星人高科技一點都沒,百姓整體素質沒提高,貧富差距如此大。重要的是美國還虎視眈眈要弄垮中國呢,別忘了M FUND/Black Eagle Trust Fund/ Yotsuya Fund /Keenan Fund在二次世界大戰後,就等著對付中國。
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-02-15 11:34 回覆:
Thanks for your discerning analysis. You are right, and that's why some netizens of Mainland thought South Korea is exaggerating the strength of current China.