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Urbanisation: The Great Sprawl of China
2015/01/30 04:11:25瀏覽189|回應1|推薦5

Subject is the title of a recent article on the Economist.  You know, urbanisation is the road every rural, developing country should take to a moderately well-off society, and Mainland China is no exception.  The magazine extols the astonishing achievement China has made during past decades, of which she's accomplished a mass migration that never seen before in human history.  Amid the process, the magazine also admits, China has successfully avoided squalor of slums unlike most other cities elsewhere haven't. 

But the Economist uses the derogatory word "sprawl", meaning unorderly and untidy expansion, to describe the formation of China's 100 big cities with 1m population or over, and 6 "megacities" with 10m population or over.  The magazine critizes the expanded area of those cities are so badly formed without business-centered or service-orientated ideas that make them just masses of blocks widely dispersed.  Well, how can we expect such expanded areas are all similar to stately Beijing or graceful Hangzhou as to accomodate so many outsiders?  It does take time to do some improvements if there are any, and I believe China can just do it. 

Other sources estimate that by 2020, China will basically complete her urbanisation task: about 70% of her population are living in cities.  Think of it, dear islanders, by the time what a brand-new China's Mainland you are facing. 

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2015/01/31 06:39
When Talking about China, the Economist will never be able to spit elephant teeth from their mouth.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-01-31 15:26 回覆:
You are right. They just can't spit elephant teeth from their (canine) mouths!