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The incredible touch on the ball he was shooting
2015/01/26 03:23:47瀏覽152|回應1|推薦4

On the evening of last Friday, I was lucky to witness Klay Thompson, the shooting guard of Golden States Warriors, making history.  The night he scored 37 points in the third quarter of the game, a recording-breaking performance in a single quarter ever in NBA history. 

More marvelously was that he made all shoots out of 13 attempts, including 9-9 in three-pointers, 3-3 in perimeter jumpers, and 1-1 on a lay-up; plus a 2-2 in free throw.  You may think some of the shoots he made had been in wide-open situation.  No, not at all.  No matter catch-and-shoot, stop-and-shoot, or shoot after simple screening, he grabbed all slightest chances to make all those incredible shots.  I bet even in practice barely could he go 13-13, let alone in the extremely intensive NBA game.  All my goodness; that was his night. 

The night also belonged to the fervent fans in the home court.  Their deafening applause, along with commentators nearly hysterical screams, made me have to lower the volume of TV I was watching.       

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Touch and Feel
2015/01/27 00:35

I bet even in pra(c)tice barely could he go 13-13,

That kind of touch, also feel, you don't get in practice but ONLY on the court in competition.   微笑  

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-01-27 02:29 回覆:
Well, you may be right: keen competition makes his adrenal galnd secrete faster; however, it's still unbelievable that a NBA player could make 13 consecutive shots in a quarter.
Thank you for correcting me again!