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2023/06/13 22:48:24瀏覽272|回應0|推薦15

Today, the Denver Nuggets defeated the Miami Heat to win the first NBA championship in their nearly 50-year club's existence. I don't have a favorite team, though I might like the Nuggets because my kid lives in the Denver region and I like to see how Jokic plays.

But due to a family gathering, I had to skip the game. My son and daughter, along with their families, traveled to Taiwan. For a one-day tour, we traveled to Jiufeng and Yehliu Marine Park today. We will spend three days in Mt. Ali starting tomorrow. You might find it hard to believe, but in my 70 years of residence in this island, this is the first time I've been to Yehliu and Mount Ali.

PS I may skip my writings for a couple days.  See you later, guys.   

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