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2015/01/23 05:16:21瀏覽182|回應3|推薦4

It has been over two months since I left Taiwan, so I don't know much about what'd happened in the island(certainly I know some big events, like that of  9-in-1 election).  Today I read a commentary on WantChinaTimes that "Queen" singer Jody Chiang(Jiang Hui) is going to retire from her stage career and going to host a farewell tour.  However, the fans are so fanatical about her that even she's added some extra performances still can't she satisfy the needs of all of the obssessive admirers.  Disappointed fans who failed to secure their tickets to the shows had expressed great discontent which was so fervently that their behaviors had been "akin to riots", the commentary said.

The commentary continued to critize the wide-spread scene that " group violence has been increasingly witnessed around Taiwan, where everyone's opinion must be heard, every individual's demands should be met and every person's request requires a satisfying response."  Indeed, people in Taiwan have become restive and fastidious whenever anything that may prima facie infringe their "rights".  Even worse, "the ability to quickly spread information brought about by the internet and new media often has the public arms over inconsequential issues.", and "there are more people using the power of public clamor to spawn violence and force policy changes at government level, and these occurrences reflect a troubling development in Taiwan."  Such a social atomosphere tells a truth that the "democratic" Taiwan is still a society full of immaturity and shallowness.  The islanders are yet to be genuine law-abiding citizens, who constitute the pilliars of a really modern and great country.   

During early November, 2012 I happened to be in New York to attend the pre-arranged wedding reception of that of my wife's niece.  Coincidentally, then the devastating Hurricane Sandy hit bigger NYC, and in many a area there was no power, no water, even no gas for weeks.  People had to endure cold weather of November, queue up hours for refilling thier vehicles, and so many other inconveniences that had brought to them.  Nonetheless, people still lived in tranquility as usual, no one blamed anything except the nature disaster.  If similiar case were happening in Taiwan, I guess the infuriated people would have raised a cry that CEOs of Taipower and China Petroleum, and even minister of Economic Affairs should step down.  Dear islanders, now Mainland already adhered to the principle of "rule by law" as social norms , so someday your last resort that you boasted of would have gone away if your personal aggrandisement continued to expand without a limit.       





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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2015/01/23 16:11
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-01-24 13:33 回覆:
Yes, she did. Ruled by only one party? That is stipulated in her constitution.

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2015/01/23 07:32





Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-01-23 14:38 回覆:
Indeed. Taiwan now is a society fraught with self-centered mindset!

My Observation and the Fact Is .....
2015/01/23 07:32

Mainland started to rule by law

They have been ruling by law just not in the same sense and type of system as in Taiwan and the western world.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-01-23 14:35 回覆:
Yes, she has. So I've revised the original accordingly.