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Enhance industry sectors is more efficient in boosting economy
2014/12/05 05:08:18瀏覽154|回應2|推薦6

Yesterday I read in UDN public opinion column of some comments contributed by Prof. Li Jiatong, from which Prof. Li emphasized that enhancement and renovation in industry plays a more important role in a nation's economic development than that service sector does, because industrialization is more solid and efficient in doing so.  By supporting his arguments, Li also pointed out that the rapid growth of Mainland China's basic and heavy industry and the concomitant booming of her economic size in last 30 years have been closely correlated, and he accused of that neither KMT nor DPP has long neglected sound policies for Taiwan's industry, but has been busy on infightings and trivial things. 

Certainly, Prof. Li is absolutely right.  What I disagreed with him is his profound concern about Mainland's machinery and instruments of high precision will eventually become the inseparable installation for manufacturing semi-conductor products in Taiwan.  When the day comes, the islanders, including himself, would feel deeply sorry and embarrassed.  He doesn't have to, simply because when Mainland China rises, Taiwan, as well as HK, will inevitalbly be marginalzed, and there is no other way to run to due to geopolitics.  But if Taiwan is willing to be a part of China, in any form, Mainland definitely won't let it die away.

P.S.  I respect Prof. Li very much.  He is one of few scholars with genuine social conscience in Taiwan.  Several years ago I made a donation to his foundation(I can't remember exactly what it is), and he gave me a book of his work in return, with his thanks and autograph on the first verso.          


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Maybe Just A Joke
2014/12/06 07:53

I like and agree with you regarding your comments in the second paragraph.

I somehow got an impression that Li Jiatong's brain needs to catch up his big mouth, ha!  Is he very much pro-America?

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-12-06 08:24 回覆:
I realy don't if Mr. Li has propensity for pro-America. All I know is he has been an ardent sponsor to the English education especially for the underpriviledged children.

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/12/05 16:21




你說的也是我想的,自絕於中國人的認知,就是 isolate 自己。他們傾向雨喜歡擁抱自閉症者的奇蹟,沒有觀摩,沒有競爭,自我感覺良好就滿足了。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-12-06 08:45 回覆:
Yes, in our time the vouge for "來來來,來台大;去去去,去美國." was prevailing. I guess most of students studying in the States finally opted for staying there. You know, there were many parents, especially those from Mainland, who were inculcating their children with the concept of "go to America; otherwise, you'll be bound to be a loser.". I am glad my father didn't have that kind of idea.