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The Paradoxical Mindsets
2014/12/03 10:38:01瀏覽158|回應2|推薦6

Today I read an analytic article "It's no use that Ma acts "anti-China" any longer" at http://www.guancha.cn/ShiZhiZuo/2014_12_02 .  The contributor, Mr. Shi Zhiyu, a professor of politics in NTU, argues that no matter how Ma has played "anti-China" role every once in a while, he won't please Taidu followers, and his hard-core supporters hate him for doing so.  On the other hand, Ma adopts an open policy towards Mainland economically, so the tourists, capitals and huge favorable surplus of bilateral tradings have poured into Taiwan.  It seems the islanders should thank Ma for that; on the contrary, they despise him even more, especially those of young generation, because the islanders in opposition camp still regard him as a symbolic figure of Chineses from Mainland   Prof. Shi thus give a psychological explanation towards such a phenomenon, and please read it by yourself. 

But I have to point out here that young people in Mainland may work harder, study more diligently; nonetheless, they are not necessarily cleverer in endowments than their counterparts in Taiwan because both of them are all Chineses, and there won't be any significant differentiation between two groups except Mainland's population base is much larger.  In addition to De-China teachings in schools for the last two decades, Taiwan's education system has been a disaster in making the difference adversely.  The so-called education reform have "churned out" a great deal of incapable college graduates.  How can we expect those low-end "products" to compete with others, including those of Mainland China?  Therefore, Ma may be inept and andequate being a leader, but he is not the only one to blame.  Try someone else, then. 

The paradoxical mindsets won't help anything, and it only hurts.  If you like to be that way, it is your choice; otherwise please face the reality, man.            

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/12/03 23:29



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-12-04 00:58 回覆:
Indeed! It's sad but true.

2014/12/03 13:05

they are not necessarily cleverer in endowments than their counterparts in Taiwan because both of them are all Chinese, and there won't be any significant differentiation between two groups

This is not gonna be true any longer.  Please refer to:


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-12-03 14:22 回覆:
Thank you for the information. I do appreciate it. BTW, I admire the author Kellygun 20000, and I know him from the his comments responded to some pieces of news on UDN.