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What does "expanding their own turf" really mean?
2014/11/25 14:22:07瀏覽107|回應1|推薦4

At https://city.udn.com/3011/5241823 the author Tobin rebutted the fallacies against 《不朽的光榮——第二次中日戰爭史》which accuses  CCP of playing only a lukewarm role during Sino-Japanese War.  Actually the similiar statements are not uncommon to be found in KMT's propaganda or "history".

In Taiwan we've been taught that CCP are just a gang of bandits, an army of guerrilla, doing only perfunctorily during Anti-Japanese War, being busy annihilating KMT armies and expanding their own turfs, and rendering no positive contribution.  I don't know much about the detail of what CCP did in the war, but they did "liberate" a vast areas.  Didn't they liberate the those areas and people thereof from Japanese occupation?  From the aspect of Chinese nation, what was wrong with that?  It was mainly CCP who mobilized Chinese peasant and held up Japansese from winning a walkaway against KMT on the front.  From macro-historical point of view, if not for CCP, China under KMT would have fallen prey to Soviet and American imperialists after World War Two.  God was smiling on China then.  (Do you think KMT, after losing Mongolia, would have been able to keep Northeast and Xinjiang in our hands?)      

P.S. As for KMT, I do know one thing, and everyone knows it, that KMT's ace Gen. Hu Zhongnan owned 200-400 thousand American-equipped army during the war but did almost nothing in fighting Jap; instead, his job was to watch over CCP's head quarter in Yenan only.  What a ridicuous assignment it was.  Shame on you, man.           

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2014/11/26 00:44

I would also recommend a couple of tobin's articles.


聯網上,還有一些人誇誇其談,持一論調: 若不是國民黨輸了內戰,中國會提早60年達到中國今天的地步。 真是國民黨反共教育教出來的模範生!

有一位格友說得好: 『看到別人建好的百年大樓,自以為靠幾把刀鋤就能做到?』

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-11-26 10:04 回覆:
Thanks for sharing with me such good articles with so much detailed evidences and perspicacious analysis.