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Without walls or fences, there's stiil a home for the aged
2014/11/17 07:20:05瀏覽106|回應1|推薦5

I happened to watch an online report from CCTV-International that in the city of Fuzhou there is a private charity system sponsored mainly by volunteers in caring for aged citizens living in their own homes located at some communities , but not being confined in the institutions.  The system gleans aged persons' information, including names, age, residential address, contacts, in its storage, and issues every member a specifically-used mobile phone to contact the system whenever he or she is in need of help: from medication, funeral to buying a lunch box.  The caregivers will arrive exactly within 15 minutes upon being called.  The system will also call upon gatherings for the members like birthday parties, various social activities and so on.    

Is that wonderful?  You know, most seniors are inclined not to live in a home particularly for the aged when they are getting old, except when extremely necessary.  But firstly, they must have their homes to live in and adequate pension entitlements to live by so as to enjoy a "welfare system" like this: living in their own homes and receiving year-round care.  Needless to day, there must be someone to do the task, no matter of public sectors or private sectors.  It's a task all right, but Mainland has to do to atone for the trubulation that Chinese people have suffered for generations. 

P.S. My wife recently was watching a Mainland TV drama "老有所依".  According to her, the drama vividly captures the miserable quandaries of several seniors from different families.  I did watch it every once in a while, and I guess it is highly recommendable.       

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/11/17 09:46



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-11-17 12:39 回覆:
Yes, societies of senior citizens are everywhere. Here in Taipei every morning after nine, almost all passengers on buses are seniors, for you can easily distinguish them by the pip sound their "easy card" makes: three times.(one pip for ordinary passengers, two for students, and three for seniors). I am the one among them.