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2023/01/18 16:10:49瀏覽771|回應0|推薦10

The other day, a Tainan councilor accused that Mainland rice noodle of launching a "war of reunification", trying to brainwash people of Taiwan.  He then demanded that product should be removed from the shelves immediately, for the outside package of the product has a witty remark:  "I am Chinese, and you are Chinese.  So, through the process of rounding up/down, you and I become one."

What a fuss it is!  Just like Mr. Li Ao used to say that people of Taiwan and people of Mainland both use chopsticks to eat with, why not Chiang regime imposed a ban on chopsticks?  If islanders are so paranoid to such an extent, we are going to starve, someday, somehow. 

FYI, I love eating that rice noodle and I often ate it when I stayed in America. (I have no idea that it can be found in Taiwan now.)  I also wrote something about it in my previous posting at 螺螄粉 https://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/110660585 .

PS 統戰 originally means "an united front", but islanders think otherwise.  

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