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2014/09/29 00:13:30瀏覽150|回應3|推薦4

The other day President Xi met a pro-unification group from Taiwan and firmly reiterated "One country, two systems" which is the only principle that should be applied to the peaceful reunification between Mainland and Taiwan in the future.

Not surprisingly, the announcement caused a "national" furor in Taiwan.  Politicians from both Blue and Green proclaimed that they would never, ever accept such an arrangement for Taiwan.  But I noticed that there were less abusive vitriol against Xi's speech this time; at any rate, it was from the president of China, so those politicians were timid in making any reaction lest they should be listed as warmongers.    

Besides "one country, two systems", I just can't figure out any better political settlement that is best suitable for the relationship between Mainland and Taiwan under a future unified China.  Please don't tell me you want Taidu, independent from China forever, for Taidu means war unless you are preparing yourselves to die, but I don't want to die with you.  Even your American boss will refrain you from doing so.  Therefore, just quench that wistful thinking.  How about Dutai, just leave Taiwan alone and let you remain status quo forever?  Maybe, if the leaders of Mainland are all suckers or stupid political sugar daddys. 

So, it's settled: one country, two systems.  Get real, all you can do is to stop infightings within the island and amass your economical strength as chips in gaining the best conditions in future peace talk.  I predict that the final settlement will be done before Xi's tenure is over in 2022, so you'd better make up your mind quick.     

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FYI, ^..^
2014/09/29 06:15

2014.9.28 李敖微博 曰:

49 以來,海峽東邊,公開而勇敢指出「中華民國」亡國了,只有一個人,就是李敖。在偽政府全島慶祝「中華民國 100 年」的關口,我還出版了「第 73 烈士」,封面印著:「烈士永生,民國已死。建國百年,一派胡言!」今天凡認為「中華民國」沒亡的,不論藍綠,其實都是台獨。國民黨者,台獨也!

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-29 10:10 回覆:
Li Ao, Zhang Anle and me have similarities with one another: we all expouse for "one country, two systems", and we are all history-majored.

Another description toward the status of ROC is made by YST, a popular bogger in UDN. He said that ROC has been "technically knocked out" in China's civil war, as well as in intenational politics.

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/09/29 04:56


中華民國的自以為是的民主,已經證明是幼稚、無知,lead the island to nowhere。是需要強有力的智者來監督。


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-29 09:59 回覆:
Throughout Chinese history, no sovereignty over part of China has ever successfully resisted the inexorable trend of being unified, no exception to the rule.

2014/09/29 03:35
DPP (Taidu) seems quieter than KMT (Dutai) this time.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-29 09:45 回覆:
DPP'd better keep its mouth shut; otherwise, it will be severely reprimanded when it grabs the power in 2016.