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The power of Xi Jinping
2014/09/26 04:54:35瀏覽173|回應3|推薦3

The title is the namesake of a recent cover story of the Economist.  The magazine tries to tell the world what kind of a leader President Xi Jinping is for ruling a big country like China.  Here are its observations about him.

He is a man of charisma for sure, being adequately using charm offensive to win him wide popularity in Mainland China, from which he even allows himself playing to the gallery or lets media to lampoon him with caricature to a tolerable extent.  His personal figure, as tall as 180cm, is further embellished by his graceful, elegant wife, Peng Liyuan, a well-known singer of PLA, who is always accompanying him to all of the state visits abroad.  Anyway he is the image represents a brand new China that is now open to the world. 

Although the decision made collectively by CCP's central standing commitee is still the final say of China, Xi has appointed himself as the leaders of every important sector on top of the committe.  In so doing, he intends to carry out the decision with his personal will, as well as takes the responsibilty to let the buck stop in front of him.

He has gained much more publicity from public attention or party mouthpiece than any of his predecessors, except Mao, but he hasn't yet received any interview from media, either from foreign or from domestic.  I think, the magazine may  think as well, that is the strict basic training of a communist that he will never shed any secrecy to anybody until his goal finally comes to fruition.  He is a princeling all right, but he'd received same hardship during Cultural Revolution as others did.  He was cheery-picked through keen competition and numerous odeals, and thus clung the rungs of politcal ladder upward to the top.  Leaders of Taiwan, are you ready to deal with such an opponent?  I might say no one in Taiwan qualifies.            


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
Very true!
2014/09/26 07:04

Taiwanese prefer to be flattered. 他們不敢聽真話。

你說的,尤其是最後一句,so true,也是 difficult to take in。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-26 22:41 回覆:
Only the phrase of "near-sighted with tunnel vision" can best describe the mindset of the islanders. All they dare to do is to hit Ma with shoes and books.(Today, Ma was hit by a book in some occasion. The guy who did it was flaunting his "guts" by yelling "Taiwan and China, independent to each other." A childish and dismal attempt, I must say.

No Comparison
2014/09/26 06:44

Leaders in Taiwan?  Are you kidding?

They are not in the same league and not of the same caliber as Xi Jinping, not even close.

Take as an instance, even the knowledge in traditional Chinese literature, you can't find a comparison between them.  Some islanders regard Taiwan is the 中華文化正統。 That's typical 井蛙 and it's a joke.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-26 22:24 回覆:
Recently Xi wanted high schools and colleges to increase hours in teaching Chinese classical literature. Indeed, leaders of Mainland China are like players of MLB level, whereas their counterparts in Taiwan are just 1A leaguers.

A Professional Vocalist
2014/09/26 06:29

"a singer of PLA" is misleading and improper when describing Peng Liyuan.  What is the correct and proper way?   Please kindly refer to 

         民族聲樂家 彭麗媛 

I would classify and address Peng Liyuan as a professional vocalist in the domain of modernized Chinese traditional music.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-26 22:19 回覆:
I do know Ms. Peng is a prominent vocalist in art songs. I didn't mean to degrade her by calling her a "singer". I was too lazy that I cited the usage of the Economist. That's it.