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What does the success of Alibaba tell us?
2014/09/22 00:07:41瀏覽178|回應1|推薦3

I don't know much about a comapny's IPO, but the much-hyped Alibaba, Mainland China's juggernaut of internet wholesale, went public in NYC bourse a couple days ago had gained it a big success.  Report said the market value of Alibaba roared up 38% above its denominated price in first trading day and thus had made it the second biggest internet-related company in the world, just next to Google. 

Various discussion has been made towards how NYC market was won by a Chinese company.  Most of the viewpoints concentrated on the back-up of a vast market of 1.3 billion wealthier consumers in Mainland.  But the consumers have right to choose, why Alibaba, why lenovo, why Xiaomi instead of other foreign big names?  What is the impulse that keeps on pushing them to the top of the world?  (The above-mentioned are busnesses of private sectors, let alone those infrastrutures sponsored by public sectors such as highways, bridges, high-speed railway, telecommunication, energy, financial institutions, military industry, and so forth.)

I would like to attribute such a momentum to the "can-do" spirit, a belief that there is nothing they can't do to emulate others' achievements or surpass them.  Mainladers simply want to be the best, the number one in the world, and that spirit has been the intrinsic value in their genes restructured by Mao and Lu Xun.  Unfortunately people in Taiwan still harbor the mindset of "買辦文化", and further deteriorated by that stupid thought of "小確幸".  Oh my goodness, the gap between Taiwan and Mainland will widen and widen everyday, but the good news is someday not far away the final settlement will come without having recourse to war again. 


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2014/09/22 10:48

lenovo has just passed hp recently and becomes the leading PC supplier worldwide.

I am thinking to buy a new PC and wondering if I should switch from Dell to lenovo.  I have been pretty loyal to Dell because of their good quality and superb audio.  In that regard, I hate hp.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-23 00:05 回覆:
I am using a Lenovo right now. I have had it for over two and a half years, so far so good. My fifty-inch TV is a Vizio, a Taiwan brand now being on the very top of the world is sales volume. My car is a Taiwan-assembled Ford. If I move to San Francisco, I will use all Haier products as my household applicances.