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"How did Taiwan lose Mainland"
2014/09/15 10:25:11瀏覽84|回應1|推薦5

Today I read from "天下縱橫談", the most popular city in UDN, an article "How did Taiwan lose Mainland" at https://city.udn.com/3011/5192150, in which the author cited a series of critical commentaries on cross-strait relationship written by a Chinese scholar who is now working in Singapore, Dr. Dong. 

In the series Dr. Dong didn't talk about how did Nationalists lose to Communists in civil war of 1949; instead, he was talking about how had Taiwan failed to use its cultural and geographical advantage in tapping into the golden opportunity of the rise of Mainland China because of that stupid "stay put" policy in 90's, and so it had lost all possiblities in building up a solid stronghold in vast Mainland market, and the once-in-a-thousand-year chance had gone forever, particularly under the anti-China atmosphere here in Taiwan that the so-call "Sun-flower Movement" brought to the island early this year. 

The author also raised examples of failure for not having fully capitalized the innate advatange of Taiwan: Acer, cuturally; and Kaoshiung, geopraphically.  I suggest you guys read the series at your leisure.  By the way, it reminded me of the story of Michael Chang, now the coach of a Japanese player Nishikori Kei who was runner-up of US Open ended last week.  I remember once I saw a report that Chang didn't recognize he is a Chinese, that's understandable; but he even refused to say he is an American Chinese(though US media has been always referring him as an American citizen only).  I think the way he identified himself might have been the reason that he could not find a job in Mainland China.   

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2014/09/15 11:54

I am sure that you have read the excerpt in that article:

"我在讲课中常说的一句话就是“您的胸怀有多大,您的事业就有多大”,一个伟大的企业,如果能胸怀大中华,以民族复兴为己任,那大中华地区会给您加倍的支持。 如果您的胸怀只在小小的台湾岛,那您被大陆企业的超越又有何奇怪的? 如果还惦记着支持一下台独,那你只有自求多福了。"

Wouldn't you think those are really words from experience and of wisdom?

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-16 23:33 回覆:
Of course I fully agree with the comments. Tunnel vision and parochial view will finally suffocate Taiwan, politically and economically.