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2022/01/03 08:32:24瀏覽570|回應0|推薦11

"The house is out of gas, though power has restored."  That was the message my son texted us this morning.  That signified he could not return to his house for the time being.  

His house in Louisville, Boulder County, Colorado had survived the unprecedent wildfire that hit the city, and the adjacent city of Superior the other day.  But his neighbors might not be that lucky.  Yesterday the area of ruins was hit by a drastic drop of temperature and subsequently a ten-inches thick snow.  That was really a double whammy to the victims who lost their homes and now were suffering from shortage of energy, in search of temporary housings amid the new wave of COVID.  

A resident encountered this series of mishaps lamented the situation was like "disappointment on disappointment", according to some report.

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