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母親節重貼"試譯 母親你在何方"
2022/05/08 16:33:09瀏覽516|回應1|推薦17

Attached below is my writing posted on Mothers Day nine years ago.  I would like to share it with you again on this special day.

雁陣兒飛來飛去白雲裡 經過那萬里可曾看仔細

A flock of wild geese in formation are hovering amid silver clouds over my head.  Gently, I ask them,

雁兒呀我想問你 我的母親可有消息

"Tell me, dear geese, throughtout your travelling thousands of miles, did you clearly know the whereabouts of my mother?"

秋風哪吹得楓葉亂飄盪 噓寒呀問暖缺少那親娘

Maple leaves are trembling in Autumn wind, but how am I alone without my mother in these days of mixed warmth and chill.

母親呀我想問你 天涯茫茫你在何方

Mother I am asking you, where are you in the vastness of universe?

明知道那黃泉難歸 我們仍痴心地等待

I know its a silly wish that hoping you return from nether world, still we keep on waiting for you

我的母親呀等著你 等著你等你入夢來

to appear in my dream again.

兒時的情景似夢般依稀 母愛的溫暖永遠難忘記

The memory to my childhood has been a blur like that in dream, yet I will never forget the kindest love you gave to me.

母親呀我真想你 恨不能夠時光倒移

Mother, how am I longing to see you again; how do I wish a time machine could make my dream come true. 

( 創作散文 )
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愛唱 山雀們
2022/05/11 07:26
謝謝告知 很有心啊

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2022-05-11 16:57 回覆:
多謝. 您唱得真好!