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Not Just A Baseball Game
2014/08/25 14:38:30瀏覽114|回應1|推薦3

My daughter knows I am a LA Angels' fan, so today she took my wife and me to Oakland Athletes home court to watch a season match of a three games series between two clubs.  Atheletes already won the last two, so my favorite team should do its best to avoid a sweep.

LA Angels did brilliantly in the sold-out match to win the game 9-4.  You can imagine what a spectacular of vociferous attendance of over 30,000 it could be.  There is no public transpotation available to the stadium; therefore, all of the audence should drive there to watch the game.  Then you can also imagine how big the parking lot it is as to accomodate so many vehicles.  That is the typical American life, capitalistic, hedonistic, and wasteful, that U.S. vows to protect.  But I doubt for how long it can last. 

Personally, I do appreciate my daugher taking us to the game.  She became  maturer, more considerate, and more and more like the one that Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women" was presenting fair young ladies to the world.  I am proud of her.     

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/08/25 16:50
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-08-26 00:51 回覆:
She's been living in the States since she was a seventh grader, the time when I was working at New York in mid 90's, and coincidentally my wife was transferred to the city by her employer, too. Therefore, my daughter, then a seventh grader in Taiwan, along with her younger brother, came to the city to join us. When in her junior year of college, I was transferred back to Taiwan. During the interim before she entered into graduate school, she worked in Taiwan for nearly a year. Since then she's been completely alone in the States until she had a family of her own.