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The War Occurred Today, 120 Years Ago..
2014/08/02 00:10:39瀏覽170|回應1|推薦4

On August 1st, 1894, Year of Jiawu, Qing Dynasty declared war against Japan.  A month later the fleets of both sides encountered at Yellow Sea and a five-hours-long sea battle broke out.  According to the historical documents I always thought that Qing didnt lose the battle because it had been Japanese Navy withdrew from the battle first while Qing, though some of its battleships were severely damaged or even sunk, fulfilled its stategic purpose.  Neverless, Qing, more precisely Premier Li Hongzhang alone, lost the war at last.  The repercussions of the war has been affecting modern history of Eastern Asia for such a long time that nobody knows when its implications will end, maybe there will be no ending at all.

Many a comment, either from Mainland or from Taiwan, has been contributed to the historical event.  But I want to pay my homage to Channel 52 for its endeavor in talk shows to help rekindle the memories of the event for the people in Taiwan with a more positive perspective.  At least, it is a good start to educate the islanders an accurate viewpoint of history towards the triangle relation among Taiwan, Mainland and Japan, and which way you are going to take is correct. 

P.S.  Mainlanders, please keep in mind that "only development does make sense." and realpolitik is everything.  It may be a piece of cliche but only when China is totally invulnerable, will she able to protect her people, including people in Taiwan, from being bullied by imperialists again.  So, remember Jiawu.   


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2014/08/02 07:10

A great article!

On the other hand, would you elaborate somewhat on (especially the highlighted portion)

"Qing didn't lose the battle because it had been Japanese Navy withdrew from the battle first while Qing, though some of its battleships were severely damaged or even sunk, fulfilled its stategic purpose.  Neverless, Qing, more precisely Premier Li Hongzhang alone, lost the war at last. "


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-08-02 10:25 回覆:
You know, it had been great of a single sea battle that lasted for as long as five hours. Qing Navy fulfilled one of its main purposes for covering its army to enter into Korea.(Though the army eventually fought a lousy fight against Japanses.)

In that time, China was not a nation country of modern sense. To some extent, the navy and army in the battles were nearly all Li's private forces. Well, it had been kind of miserable history that no one wanted to recall.