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2024/01/01 10:28:56瀏覽95|回應0|推薦9

Recently, concomitant with the death of Zhu Ling, a former undergraduate in chemistry at Tsinghua University, her case was in the limelight again in mainland China. Zhu, intellectual, versatile and pretty, was poisoned by a lethal chemical, which tortured her to death after 28 years at 50. The obvious suspect was her classmate and roommate, Sun Wei, who had not been arrested and prosecuted because of a lack of direct evidence against her. Later, Sun changed her name and went to America, and because of the indignation from Chinese societies there, she went on her "escape" to Australia.

Almost at the same time, a cause celebre happened in America: OJ Simpson, a star player of American football who in fact killed his wife and another man, was exonerated due to the flawed evidence.

You could surf online to get more information about the two cases. Anyway, both Sun and Simpson had their advantages. Reputedly, Sun had a powerful family background to interfere with the investigation, while Simpson had huge money to hire the best lawyers and criminal forensics men to defend him.


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