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meet an old friend again from the recipient list of an email
2014/06/20 00:40:58瀏覽131|回應1|推薦2

You may hear the story of how people found their longlost friends through roaming on facebook.  But I seldom browsed through facebook to search the information I wanted, so I didn't have the chance to enjoy that kind of pleasure  in internet world. 

Yesterday, I found an erstwhile colleague of mine from a disclosed recipient list of a email.  Then I wrote a letter to her, and ere long I got the response.  It's her,  formerly a nice coworker with the same surname of mine, and a little older than I am.  I always regarded her as my elder sister, but later on she moved to US and we lost contact with each other ever since.  You can hardly imagine how was the rapture aglow in my heart when I got the message from her.  Like an old Chinese proverb says that "come across an old friend in other country" is one of the happiest joys one can ever experience, though I just located her  through internet but didn't see her in person(Of course we could see each other if we use Skype or other new modes, thanks to the technology.)

The older we are, the keener are our minds hoping to meet some of our old acquaintances because, we have to admit it, time is running out for us day by day.       

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/06/20 09:10

Time is running out - I have lost many contacts since we relocated overseas 8 years ago. In recent years I spent all of the spare time on the blogs.

I feel guilty not contacting friends everywhere in the real world.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-06-21 10:07 回覆:
It may take serendipity to find your longlost friends. Good luck!