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西班牙帝国衰亡史 (上/下)---轉載
2020/05/15 11:20:24瀏覽429|回應0|推薦12

If you are interested in modern history of Spain, following lengthy article recounts a "concise" and introductory one.  Please scroll down to the bottom to find the first part first.


PS  In my opinon, 徐鍾珮 《追憶西班牙》is better.  Ms Xu is the wife of Ambassdor Zhu Fusong(朱撫松) who used to be the ambassdor to Spain and later the minister of Foreign Affairs.  Besides history, 追憶西班牙 introduces more about the local customs and practices of Spain, as well as the royal romances, with elegant style of writing.  I read the essay fifty years ago when it was serialized in the supplement of Central Daily. 

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