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2019/09/26 02:48:20瀏覽517|回應0|推薦8

Right after the end of that decisive mass campaign of Huaihai( or Xubang) between KMT and CCP in early 1949, then China was temporarily divided by Long River and that was the situation western imperialists were pleased to see.  But not to CCP, PLA, and Mao.  They all knew it well that they should keep pressing on to finish Liberation War without any letup: nothing but unifying China as a whole, no demarcation at all.  They also knew it quite well that it was just a matter of time for KMT to fall into pieces.  To make it quicker, besides military measures they needed a psychological one to further smash up KMT morale.  So it took a list of KMT war criminals to serve the purpose.  Now who were on the list, and where have they all gone to?  Please see following report at: 


PS  Will there be another list for those Taidu and Dutai extremists in the near future?  I am not sure, but all I am sure is history always repeats itself, and everything goes.       

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