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2019/08/22 05:59:42瀏覽443|回應0|推薦5

On El Camino Real in the city of Mountain View, where the headquarter of Google is located and where my daughter is now living at, Route 22 buses slowly run over the patched, uneven road day and NIGHT.  The buses, also better known as Hotel 22, connects the city of San Francisco and Palo Alto over a long way on that historical Real.  I did introduce to you the story of Hotel 22 in my previous writing (but I cannot locate it right now) that it has been a perfect lodging for those homeless to spend the nights on an air-conditioned, spacious, two-cabined bus with $8 in two round-trips.  It has been a miniature of California: the wealthiest and also the poorest state of the US, the one of the most advance place of cutting-edge tech in the world and the one with the most backward public infrastruture in the so-call developed countries.  Attached below is another report about this absolutely extreme contrast at: 


No offense but the translated version of the report above seems a little bit stilted to me.  Please read the original script if you have time at:


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