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2019/08/20 08:01:46瀏覽368|回應0|推薦3

Dividing the living room and the outside mat shed of my house, there are a French door and a screen window in between.  The mat shed serves the nearest passage that we access to the backyard, and one thing we have to do every time is to open and shut the screen window.

You know, in the backyard there are trees, flower bushes, around where (humming) birds, bees and flies are hovering all the time.  It seems to me that they are living harmoniously together, no harms, no fouls to human.

As usual, this morning when I sat at the chair in the mat shed, drinking my only cup of coffee of the day while enjoying nice and warm California sunshine, a fly was hovering over me.  It was kind of annoying, but suddenly it "sojourned" at my naked leg (I wore a trunk then).  Slowly, it moved upward until to the fingertip of my left index, unmoving, not even I exhaled tenderly toward it.  But when I moved my finger, it flew away.  Before I could realize, it stepped onto my body again.

When I opened the screen window and returned to the house, it tagged along with me, and instantly it disappeared in the house until I found it standing on my fingertip when I layed my hands on the keyboard.  Well, I guessed we could make friends to each other.  But not to my jealous wife.  When she found it, and before I yelled out "Dont do unnecessay killing", in no time she killed it with a fly swatter.  Poor little creature!         

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