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2020/01/23 14:11:19瀏覽470|回應0|推薦6

Last evening at 10:30 a blackout stroke the the area where I am living at.  The power failure lasted for nearly an hour, which made me lose some of my unfinished writings, and made me get into bed earlier than I used to be.  (I got up again when the power resumed, for I was tossing and turning on bed throughout the span of blackout.)

DPP administration still sacrificed so many lungs by mainly relying on coal burning to produce electricity, and other "green" approaches at prohibitive cost, instead of continuing to use much cheaper and cleaner nuke.  Well, let us see how the finance (actually your taxes) and your poor lungs are able to suffer from such a consumption.  BTW, the blackout made me think of a vulneable situation for Taiwan: what if an "opposition" just launches a military sabotage on power other than other means such as attacks by rockets and missiles?

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